Shift Positive

Reimagining feedback for today's workforce.

Grounded in Positive Psychology and Social Support, Shift Positive has revolutionized feedback—shifting its focus from weaknesses, which puts people into a threat state, to a focus on strengths and solutions, empowering a growth mindset. This answers the call of today's workforce: "Coach me, don't criticize me." Each coach at Grow Collective is certified in the Shift Positive method.

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Shift Positive

Two ways to experience energizing + effective feedback:

Shift Positive 360

Shift Positive 360

A comprehensive and transparent interview-based 360 that invites each interviewee to become an ally, thereby creating a two-way accountability for a leader's development. This approach can be used in individual executive coaching where we interview a diverse set of colleagues, and in a team coaching where each teammate is interviewed about the other. Each leader receives an extensive report and works with their coach to incorporate their strengths, growth areas, and accountability allies into their growth plan.

Shift Positive Live

Shift Positive Live

A live, facilitated feedback session among a small group, most often the direct reports of the leader. In this session we help the participants identify strengths and areas of growth, then have each participant sign on to be an ally for the leader in one specific area of growth. There is a live debrief session with the leader immediately following.

Discover more on how to provide feedback that's human, energizing, and effective in the book our Founder, Jen Ostrich, co-authored: Feedback Reimagined.

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The SP360 helped me understand my biggest strengths to the team and illuminated areas where I can support the team further. The unique and constructive process left the team and myself feeling especially motivated to support one another in achieving our independent and organizational goals.

Eric, Partner

The Shift Positive approach is a smart way to coach and provide actionable feedback that motivates vs demoralizes the coachee. Using this approach allows one to empower themselves and identify the ways in which they can improve themselves as well as the work and colleagues around them.

Angela, VP, Group Media Director